Call Now! 989 486-9446

Owning a firearm is a right that comes with responsibilities and a host of complex rules and regulations.  Special care must be taken to properly handle firearms in an estate.

Stephen Houseal is the area’s expert in firearms law and personal protection!  He can assist you with all aspects of firearms ownership and use, including:

  • Purchasing, transferring, registering, and transporting firearms
  • Houseal Law Office can handle your
    • Estate guns
    • In and out-of-state transfers
    • Valuations
  • Restoration of firearms rights
  • Concealed carry
  • Personal protection and use of force issues

If you have a Michigan Concealed Pistol License (CPL), you need an attorney on your side – all the time.  Stephen Houseal is the right choice! 989 486-9446.

To enroll for a Michigan Concealed Pistol License class go to:

Stephen Houseal is endorsed by the United States Concealed Carry Association (USCCA) and a member of the USCCA National Legal Network and Legal Critical Response Team.