
Stephen Houseal has handled over 10,000 traffic cases. He is your Midland, Michigan Traffic Ticket Attorney!

Don’t ignore that “simple” traffic ticket! Don’t just accept “points” and sky-rocketing insurance premiums! Speeding, careless driving, failure to stop… They will put points on your driving record, cost you years of increased insurance premiums and follow you around for years for every potential employer and others to see. You can have your license suspended or lose your permit or have a full license delayed. People age 25 and under are especially hard hit by the consequences of a “simple” traffic ticket. Don’t forget – some seemingly simple traffic violations are classified as crimes – like driving without your license on your person, driving with an expired or suspended license, reckless driving, or driving without insurance.  Don’t get a criminal record if you don’t have to! Having handled over 10,000 traffic cases, Stephen Houseal has the experience and is your best opportunity to successfully address that traffic citation. In most cases, you won’t even have to appear in person; he will handle everything for you.

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DUI / OWI / Drunk Driving

If you were arrested for any drinking and driving offense, you need representation! Give us a call!  We have the skills and resources to help you!

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CDL / Commercial Trucking

Violations can cost both drivers and companies heavily! Michigan has tough laws and strong enforcement on commercial carriers and CDL holders. Companies face penalties for overweight, equipment, tag, and inspection violations. Drivers can have their commercial licenses impacted even for violations when driving personal vehicles. If you receive a commercial driving citation, don’t delay, call immediately. Attorney Stephen Houseal will handle the proceedings for you and you will not have to take time off the road to appear.

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Wills and Estate Planning

Don’t put off having a solid estate plan! This includes a plan for medical decisions if you are injured or ill and, even temporarily, cannot make medical decisions for yourself. It is vitally important to have a properly prepared will, and powers-of-attorney in place for health care decisions and financial matters. Families are devastated after a tragic event when a loved one dies, becomes gravely ill, or is badly injured. It gets much worse when they discover that there is no plan in place and everything is reduced to chaos.

Give yourself and your loved ones the peace of mind of knowing you have prepared a plan and made your wishes known and enforceable!

General Civil

We all have to deal with the personal and business things of life: contracts, small business, real estate, landlord/tenant issues and more. Give us a call. We’ll help you take care of those needs.


Good people sometimes make mistakes. You need an experienced hand to guide you through the system, protect your rights and make your case. You need a criminal law attorney. Some things are obviously crimes, but people don’t always realize they are facing the criminal justice system.

For example, “open house party” citations or barking dog tickets are often classified as crimes. Don’t go it alone.

Firearms, Personal Protection and Concealed Carry 


Endorsed by the United States Concealed Carry Association (USCCA) and a member of the USCCA national legal network.

Stephen Houseal is the area’s expert in firearms law and regulation. Not just a specialist firearms attorney, he is an instructor, with over 15 years teaching firearms law and personal protection law. More than that, he knows guns. He is an NRA certified instructor in nine firearms disciplines and is a Chief Range Safety Officer. He can take care of your firearms issues from your obligations under the registration or concealed pistol laws to carry and use of firearms and self-defense issues. He’ll help you handle firearms in an estate as well as transfers, both within Michigan and out-of-state transfers. If you have a Michigan Concealed Pistol License (CPL), you need to have an attorney on your side – all the time, don’t wait until you find yourself in trouble. If you need a gun rights attorney in Midland, Michigan or the surrounding area, call. For any issue or question involving firearms, personal protection or self-defense, this is the only place you should come!

To enroll for a Michigan Concealed Pistol License class go to:

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Houseal Law Office serves clients with pride and professionalism in Midland, Bay, Saginaw, Clare and Isabella Counties and surrounding areas.